Discover Weekly #4

It’s taken almost a week to get round to writing this. Not because I can’t think of anything to say (that’s a rare occurrence) or because there’s any great difficulty in saying something about the next tune in this series. I had the Cassette piece in my head and wanted to get that done first. And then, for the second time in three months, my mother has been admitted to hospital.

I won’t go into it too much but my mother’s residence, and indeed the hospital, are around 40 minutes away from me. My sister lives a lot closer and has taken on a lot of the visiting duties, but I’ve been heading up when I can. My sister and I have had some lengthy phone calls around various aspects surrounding this hospital admission as it’s looking more serious than the previous one. So spare time and motivation to write have been limited this week.


9th January saw a new list and sitting in 9th place on the playlist was…no…surely not…I MUST have got that on a playlist somewhere! But I hadn’t (please note the use of the past tense there – the situation has now been rectified).

Despite the fairly traumatic nature of this week, this song has been going through my head pretty much all the time when I haven’t been listening to anything else.

How on earth this has evaded any previous listing, or indeed that its absence had failed to come to my attention, is beyond me. I’d even gone to the trouble of putting Juxtapozed With U from the same album onto a couple of playlists.

Super Furry Animals are a bit of a strange one for me. I like pretty much everything I’ve ever heard from them and have five of their first six albums, including the one from which this is the title track. But if you asked me to list my Top However Many Favourite Bands, they’d be some way down the list. I’ve been thinking about this and have a couple of thoughts as to why this might be the case.

1 – I used to work with a guy, a few years younger than me, who had heard the band before I did and was genuinely an enormous fan. I mean, he even used to name his Fantasy Football teams after their songs – what greater accolade can there be? Any liking of the band on my part paled into insignificance in comparison, and they didn’t feel like “my” band.

2 – They were at their peak in the late 90’s / early 00’s, just as small people that demanded constant attention were appearing chez TGG. I know full well that I didn’t spend the time with albums purchased during this period in the same way that I did in the previous fifteen to twenty years. As as result, bands from this era spring less readily to mind when coming up with those lists.

Whatever – it’s a top quality tune and if you’ve clicked on the link at any point whilst reading this, I’ll wager it’s well and truly lodged in your head now. And I don’t feel sorry about that at all.


3 responses to “Discover Weekly #4”

  1. george Avatar

    Tune not lodged in my head but has inspired me to play LoveKraft


  2. Charity Chic Avatar
    Charity Chic

    Sorry to hear your mum is poorly
    Old age is a bugger.


  3. JC Avatar

    As CC said.

    I’m also with you on SFA in that I have and really enjoy all of the early albums; I’ve seen and loved them in the live setting. But if I was to compile a list of may all-time favourite acts, they wouldn’t make the Top 50…..maybe not even the Top 100.

    I’ve too much affection for the late 70s/early-mid 80s music to not have it dominate, while lots of singers/bands of the 21st Century have made a huge impact on me as the blogging days got underway and have continued. SFA, like many others, fall in between two stools.


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3 thoughts on “Discover Weekly #4

  1. As CC said.

    I’m also with you on SFA in that I have and really enjoy all of the early albums; I’ve seen and loved them in the live setting. But if I was to compile a list of may all-time favourite acts, they wouldn’t make the Top 50…..maybe not even the Top 100.

    I’ve too much affection for the late 70s/early-mid 80s music to not have it dominate, while lots of singers/bands of the 21st Century have made a huge impact on me as the blogging days got underway and have continued. SFA, like many others, fall in between two stools.


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